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Although born a Hoosier, David’s musical interest has always drifted more toward the coasts from California to New Jersey.  It was something about the instrumentation and harmonies that drew him.  From Billy Joel to the Eagles and of course, the Beach Boys, he became obsessed the very second he heard the harmonic resonances those bands put out. His first exposure to great music was not from the radio, it was his father, Andy, and uncle, Kevin, two brothers singing harmonies and playing acoustic guitars in the garage that inspired him. David wanted to be a part of that, so by listening to a recording over and over; he taught himself how to play “Desperado” by the Eagles on the piano. In that same way, he added song after song to his repertoire, and before long, he found himself unable to pass a piano without playing it. Making music with his family is important to him, and he still plays and sings with his dad and uncle in the garage. He often performs in Florida with his full-time musician cousin, Logan Grant Ertel. He also releases original music with his cousin, Logan, under the band name, Odie Ray. Before the creation of Sounds of Summer: A Beach Boys Tribute, David played in the cover band, Products of 77, which produced an album of original music. David graduated from Marian University in Indianapolis earning his Doctorate in Nursing Practice. 

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